
January 08, 2013

Line of Destiny

Today there is a wide range of events that all about separation. The first, Mrs Repinda transferred from 10 SHS to 17 SHS. As well as with several other teachers. The most affected is the homeroom science one Mrs Repinda and it's my class now!

When saying goodbye this morning in class, she couldn't hold back tears when started talking about how we are used to in the beginning of the semester which sometimes makes it more alarmed by other teachers. The atmosphere of emotion was unstoppable when Mrs Repinda began to advise and remind the good things to us all. Before we said goodbye, she took time to take pictures because we've never had a class photo with her. We apologize profusely for all treatments and actions that offend us. Hopefully she can be a good role model for their students later. We always pray the best for Mrs Repinda. Thank you for all your sacrifices... 
Second, this news brings a deep wound for Mr Mukani and his family. He taught physics in my class and one of her sons "Khoirunnisa Andryani" often tell us he suffered from lupus since 2 months ago, leaving the world forever yesterday. After school had representatives from science one has been visiting at the residence and joined the pack Mr Mukani condolences. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, I personally pronounce condolence, charity may be accepted in the worship of God. And all that is left immediately sincere.
We should take lessons from any incident that occurs. 
"Don't waste precious someone and what you don't think though, when the time comes all the sad things that don't be mean when no one is. Separation that always comes when introductions and new life is born. Leave memories that must be whole grain shed any tears" 
Febriani Farida on other, please visit:


  1. love people around you from your heart when they are still around :)
    and memories are our lesson to step forward :D
    happy new year!
    have a wonderful year in 2013 ya ^^

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  2. uuuw i already miss my SHS because your pict! huhuhu
    umm, i never look back. just walking for my future :)


  3. aa, high school, the best time of all :)
    stay pretty, dear :)
